Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last Night....

Last night I stayed home and relaxed. I watched the news with mom and dad. People died, that made me angry. There was a fire too. Someone's house was on fire. I also watched some soccer. There were lots of People there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

This summer....

This summer, I will share  salmon sushi with mom and dad. I will watch movies at home. I want to visit Daphne's house. Before I leave school for summer vacation, I 'll be going to a party at school!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Barbie: The La Song

Barbie sings the La song with a friend in the  movie The Princess and  the Pauper. Barbie #1 is Anneliese and Barbie #2 is Erika. They switch  places in the story. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My pet is....

My pet is a cat. she is a small cat. She's a fake cat! Her name is Kay. She is blue in  colour and she likes to sit on my floor especially when  dads  around. Kay is very quiet and she likes to go swimming  at the park. I have to tell her, "out!" of the water!

This is a joke, ha ha ha!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Favorite TV Show...

My favorite TV show is High School Musical 1.  They sing and dance.  the music is really good. It is a very happy show. I enjoy TV musicals.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I heard a story....

I heard a story about"Happy Feet"! It's about a penguin who lives in  a cold area where there is lots of snow. Happy Feet likes to dance. He is a Young penguin. I have both movies and I like them alot!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Tomorrow I want to....

Tomorrow I  want to spend time  with mom.  Together, I want to go shopping and buy some popcorn! I think it costs $1.20. I want to    buy it and take it home to share with dad and mom. I would like it if Austin came over to my house for a visit.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I am....

I am....a little bit hungry. I  want to eat rice at lunch. Lunch is at 12:51 pm. I want Michelle and I to eat lunch together after class. Michelle and I are doing a good job in class!                                         

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I've always wondered....

I wonder if Niccole  and Alyssa like me. They are my friends  at school. We all go to Ms. campbell's class in block A. This morning we all sat together in class and we colored a dog.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The  sun is Shining . I miss Michelle, she is crazy funny!  I feel  good!  Tomorrow  I want to go to school!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Let me tell you about.....

Let me tell You about Barbie. Barbie is beautiful,Barbie is the boss because she sings songs every day. Her songs remind me of songs sung in the Sound of Music. Barbie loves to eat pizza. She also likes to wear Jeans and flowery shirts. Barbie has both a cat and dog at home and she loves to take a bath. Things are good with Barbie.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

I really like....

I really like Wii Sport. It  is  really fun! At school I like to play Wii Sport with Niccole. We play soccer! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I would like to...

I would like to go shopping with mom and dad and auntie bonnie.  Daphne and I she  i love Daphne.   I would like to smell flower.  I would like to eat sushi.  i would like to go bowling.  i like pizza.

Friday, May 11, 2012

I have a surprise....

I have a surprise for mom! I think mom will be happy because she loves me and I love her. Mom is special because she waits at home for me. We go out to Starbucks she buys me "double choclates "and she gives me five dollars "so I can buy chips!"    

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I Remember When....

I remember when Michael and Daphne came home to visit. Michael is Daphne's  boyfriend. Both Michael and Daphne are in China right now. When Daphne and Michael come back I will show them this new blog of mine.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

I feel....

I feel great! ButI miss Daphne. Daphne is great- she does a good job at work . Daphne goes to school . Together, we work hard while at school. My dad drives us around when Daphne and I go out. When Daphne comes over I will get 5 dollars so we can go out for sushi.     

Monday, May 7, 2012

On the Weekend......

On the weekend, mom bought me a new Barbie movie. Its called: "The Princess and the Pauper". Barbie sings in this movie.Its a nice song. Mom and dad watched the movie with me on Saturday.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I watch DVD movie Barbie Princess...

Today I with mom watch  movie at home. This is a good movie. In the movie have two Barbie, I like princess Barbie. she is beatiful and brave.

Friday, May 4, 2012

I Wish.........

I wish I could go home and see mom and dad because  I miss them. I want to eat rice  and fish for dinner when I get home. I love both my  mom and dad! I wish I could read my numbers books. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I am Happiest When....

I am happiest when Glory is here with me. Together we have  fun doing Cinderella puzzles. Glory is 13 and I'm 14. We also watch Cinderella movies and princess movies. Right now Glory is in Hong Kong visiting friends. I will wait for Glory to come back!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Crazy Funny!

I think Michelle, Niccole and Ms. Campbell are funny. They can be silly and they know  how to have fun! In fact, they are "Crazy Funny!"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

my favorite thing to do is...

My favorite thing to do is eat salmon. It is Yummy and is good for lunch. Salmon is good with rice. It is healthy for you. My mom  makes salmon at home. I love eating pieces of salmon at home.  

Monday, April 30, 2012

My friend always says...

My friend always says...hello!  Niccole is always funny. She plays hockey with me in the gym at school. I like it when Niccole and I sit  together in class!

Friday, April 27, 2012

This Morning I....

This morning I had a great morning! I played with my  toy "Miga". She waits inside at home for me after school. Miga is an Vancouver Olympic mascot of 2010.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

I Get Mad When....

I get a little mad at Dylan at lunchtime. He stares at me too much!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My favorite food is...

My favorite food is salmon.  Today I am having salmon and rice for lunch at school.  It  is YUMMY!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Together A Good Job!

I  wonder about the heart. Alyssa has a good heart. She always does a good job and Niccole does a good job too. Together they have a good heart. I love Niccole and Alyssa!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Last Night

I went shopping with Glory and dad last night. We went to the market and did some shopping. Then we went home and shared some salmon sushi that dad bought. I ate four pieces of salmon.  I had a great time with Glory!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hello Everybody!

I like my  high school because of my teacher  Ms. "C". She is funny! I also love the pizza they serve in the cafeteria on Wednesday's. I also love my E.A.  Michelle because she is "crazy funny!" 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I like Dolphins. I have swam with them in Disney World. They are very playful. I would like  to go back to Disney World to swim with the Dolphins and mom and dad.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Tomorrow is Saturday. I will sleep in just like mom and dad. I hope Daphne and Gorly come over to my house. I hope we go shopping at the mall. We will also eat salmon sushi when we're at the mall. When we get home, we'll all watch  the movie Twilight. Belle is my favorite character.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Easter Weekend

Over Easter, my good friend Daphne and I shared a plate of  salmon and we sang music outside. We also watched one of the Harry Potter movies. I really think Matthew Lewis is cute!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Easter is beautiful, Easter is happy. Eggs are fun to colour and chocolate is yummy.  Easter Bunny be funny and bring  me LOTS of  

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

                             Salmon SUSHI

This is my FAVOURITE meal. I like salmon sushi with rice. I can eat six of these very easily- Yum! I love it when my mom brings me salmon for lunch!

Monday, April 2, 2012

My Weekend

On the weekend I relaxed and went shopping with mom and dad. I also ate pizza, Yum! I love pizza! I played a fishing game with dad. Unfortunately I lost and dad won . Daphne my good friend and I played a game of Kong . It was a good weekend.

Friday, March 30, 2012


This is cinderella.She  is beautiful. she is nice.

We found her prince.  He  is funny.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

This is my favorite Disney princess!


I like to stay inside so I can watch my favorite  movies. The movies I like best are Dora, Barbie, and Disney movies. I like to relax and have a bath with a lot of bath bubbles! When I feel like looking pretty, I like to put on my favorite blue dress.